Sunday, February 7, 2010


Well, i have to say i was very surprised when i saw this. When i saw the trailer i thought "Aw man not another one of these fantasy movies." I thought it was gonna be another movie with bad acting, a bad script, and just a shit movie all together. When it came out i didn't think about it much cause i never thought i'd see so it didn't matter. Well a month later i saw on tv that this film made over TWO BILLION DOLLARS! HOLY SHIT! No other movie in the world has made that much money ever! And it wouldn't have made so much if it wasn't good. So i looked into the film. I was shocked when i saw that this was directed by one of my favorite directors James Cameron. Cameron had also directed the only other billion dollar making film Titanic. I found out that this film had a budget of $237 million and looked into the cast. The actors were relatively unknown except for Sigourney Weaver of course but i found myself wanting to see it. So when my sister asked if i wanted to see it i said yes. After all i heard about it and after all that money i spent on a ticket and popcorn i thought this had better be a damn good movie or i will be pissed! When i sat down in my uncomfortable seat next to people who ate their popcorn so loud i could hear it in the battle scene i was ready. And when i walked out of that theatre I can honestly say that this was one of the best movies i have ever seen in my life. I hate this genre but i loved this movie! The story was not cheesy, the acting was incredible and the special effects were amazing. While it did take a while to get going, it was completely worth it in the end. And when i got home i was hooked, it was all i could think about! I checked for the fanfiction. I went on my favorite illegal website to watch the illegal film at least ten more times before i was satisfied. Then i found out that there is a sequel coming! Take it from me people, you will not be dissapointed when you see this film.